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Monday, July 29, 2013

Disney College Program Part 6: Course Registration!

I can’t believe it’s been 3 months since my last DCP post! In all honesty, not all that much has happened since then! I am leaving in 19 days for my CP so I thought I’d give you an update and a little information on enrolling in classes. 

Course Registration:

All Disney College Programmers have the option to sign up for different educational courses provided by Disney during the program. CPers are able to take 2 classes on their program. For Fall Advantage, CPers are able to take 2 during the summer and then 2 during the regular Fall season. 

Here is a list of courses that you are able to register for and their descriptions: http://cp.disneycareers.com/en/onboarding/fl/education/course-details/

Certain courses, mostly collegiate ones will require you to pay fees. However some students are able to earn college credit at their home university through these courses, so make sure and ask your advisers! Other classes, like the Exploration Series classes, do not require you to pay fees as they are lecture only classes. Because these are usually 2 hour lecture classes, no homework is given, so anyone feeling loaded with university classes or prefer to relax on the homework a bit can take a look into these to help you network and learn more about the company! 

Registration for this year opened on June 24th, and most people recommend that you enroll within the first 2 days of registration because many of the classes are filled very early because of their popularity. From what I’ve seen online, Disney Heritage, Marketing, and Entertainment Show Production, are the three most popular classes. You can still enroll once these are filled but you will be waitlisted and the chance of being able to get into the class is reduced significantly. 

Since I am taking online university classes I decided that I would take an exploration class, which is one day a week for 2 hours. I’d heard a lot of great things about Disney Heritage and am always eager to learn more about the company so when registration opened I leaped to action. I’ve heard that many times the classes go on scavenger hunts and even visit the parks to learn more about the history!  Unfortunately, this year, the website was having some problems and many people who enrolled that night were given weird emails and it would not list our heritage classes. Luckily it was fixed by morning and we enrolled once more. If something goes wrong, just check with your friends, as long as everyone is having the same problem, don’t panic, Disney will resolve it eventually. 

The registration itself is a little confusing. Disney will email you the week before registration begins with links to the registration site. It’s hard to explain it, but when you register just stay calm, move slowly, and pay attention. The way the courses are listed, they all look the same so headings are key! Something else that surprised me was that there was a heritage class for every single weekday. If you are wanting to take a class with your friends or roommates decide ahead of time which day of the week you would prefer. My friends and roommates decided to go with Mondays from 4-6pm at Chatham Square. Disney will not schedule you to work during your classes, so if they do make sure and ask your trainers or leaders about it!
Overall the registration process takes about 5 minutes and is very easy to get through as long as you are reading! My classes will not begin until the beginning of October and will last to the beginning of December.

This is part 6 in my DCP Fall 2013 Adventure Series. I check-in as a merchandise cast member at Walt Disney World on August 5th, 2013. My next post will be about the New Hire Paperwork and Packing!


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