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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Who's Who Wednesday: Sam the Eagle: Bald Patriot

No Muppet is more patriotic than Sam the Eagle.

Sam the Eagle: Patriot, Muppet, Bald
Muppet Wikia
All who have had the fun of watching Muppet-vision 3-D at WDW's Disney Hollywood Studios have learned how Sam the Eagle ranks the good ol' USA:

Kermit the Frog: We will also see a rousing finale from Sam the Eagle. What's it called, Sam? 
Sam the Eagle: It's called "A Salute to All Nations, But Mostly America." 

And despaired that Sam's full tribute has been cut short:

Kermit the Frog: Sam, are you ready with that finale? 
Sam the Eagle: It's a glorious three-hour finale! 
Kermit the Frog: You got a minute and a half. 

Sam's mighty brand of patriotism knows no boundaries--literally. Here's a scene from:

The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)

Sam Thespian Eagle in The Muppet Christmas Carol
Muppet Wikia
Sam the Eagle: Tomorrow, you become a man of business! 
Young Scrooge: I'm looking forward to it, Headmaster. 
Sam the Eagle: Mm, you will love business. It is the AMERICAN WAY! 
Gonzo: [whispers] Sam... 
[whispers in Sam's ear
Sam the Eagle: Oh... It is the BRITISH WAY! 

Sam is also proud to bring culture, refinement, and highbrow entertainment to Muppetry and WDW. Though he's made a few errors, calling Beethovan his favorite playwright, ordering Marcello Mastroianni as Italian soup (and receiving "a swarthy, good looking man sitting in a bowl. I always send him back"), citing Rudolf Nureyev as his favorite opera singer, and then giving Nureyev the bum's rush out of the theater when he fails to recognize him.

Sam mistakes Nureyev for a "Weirdo"
Muppet Central

Culutre, Yes; Libarace, No!
Muppet Wikia

It's Muppets and characters like Sam the Eagle that inspire all of us to say:

"It's times like these, I'm proud to be an American."

For goodness (and funniness) sakes, check out the rest of the quotes by clicking the links above! Sam the Eagle has lots to say!

Naturally, we here at Addicted to Mickey, are addicted to any and all things Disney (mostly), and though we are unable to present Sam the Eagle's glorious three-hour finale, the least we can do is share one of Sam's mighty tributes to America.

Sam the Eagle: Proud to be an American, Captain America(n)
Major Spoilers

It's a Muppet-Band version of American composer John Philip Sousa's Stars and Stripes Forever, introduced by none other than that great, though often confused, patriot:

Sam, the (American) Eagle!

Happy 4th of July! From everyone at Addicted to Mickey, and especially from:

Sam the Eagle!


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