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Thursday, July 25, 2013

How my mom almost ruined the firework show on Christmas Day at Disneyland!

Disneyland Fireworks show Christmas - Believe... In Holiday Magic
Photo courtesy of Tom Bricker, www.DisneyTouristBlog.com

So last Christmas I wrote and told you all about our wonderful Christmas Day visit to Disneyland, and it really was. We had a blast and made memories that will last us a lifetime. But some of those memories are a bit more complicated! ;). So along with my husband and my kiddos my dad and mom went with us as well. My dad had heart issues for a very long time and actually passed away two years ago, so whenever we went to Disney he would rent a motorized scooter. He would actually rent it before we traveled and it would be at our hotel waiting for him when we all arrived. So Christmas day is beautiful and extremely magical in Disney and at about 2 p.m. very, very crowded!!  Expect very long waits and huge crowds everywhere! Main Street is completely wall to wall with people with a very small walkway. God bless the cast members because they never lose that amazing Disney spirit and I saw so many people just disregard them asking to please only walk on the walkways. At around 8:30 we decided to walk back to the room and watch fireworks from our hotel. Well right in front of the castle my dad's scooter died. Completely. Wouldn't budge. They have the castle roped off for the fireworks and safety. The cast member standing there told my dad he could leave the scooter there, so he did and then went to find a quiet spot to call the company. My hubby, the kiddos and I were getting pushed along with crowd and trying to wait, but my mom went under the rope and stood there!  The poor cast member told my mom she couldn't stand there due to safety, but my mom wouldn't listen!  The cast member was pleading with my mom that if she didn't move the fireworks would be cancelled! Mind you, this is now five minutes before the show is due to start!  I have never been more embarrassed in my life... and mortified that the fireworks would be cancelled due to my mother!  My hubby was embarrassed, and "done", so he decided to push the scooter through the wall of people! We got my mom out of the area and about an hour later made it down Main Street to the gate area!  We were able to leave the scooter there for the company and (thankfully) the fireworks show went on as normal!  Moral to the story: Please listen to the cast members!! And if you go with my mom, keep her away from the front of the castle around fireworks time!!  Trust me!!

Mickey hugs and kisses you you all!!



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