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Monday, January 9, 2012

Money Minded Mickey: The Disney Box

Over the years, I have noticed that one of my biggest expenses when preparing to go to Disney World is all of the "little" things that I have to run out at the last minute to buy like snacks, matching T-shirts, sunglasses, hats or other small essentials that I only think about when I am packing, or even worse yet, when I get to Disney. The way that I have found to help ease this last minute expense is my "Disney World Box". All that you need for this is a large tote and a packing list of everything that you will need for your trip. Each year, I add to my packing list because I realize that I needed something that I did not bring. To compile my list, I printed every Disney packing list that I could find, then compiled them into one list that was everything that my family would need to bring. I adjust it as needed. I keep my Disney box in my closet year round. Throughout the year, I buy things on my list as I see them or while they are on sale. I also put things that can be used for several trips back into the box as soon as we return from Disney, such as some hats, sunglasses, jackets, and bags. It does take for thought, but it is much cheaper to buy Disney costumes right after Halloween or bathing suites and shorts on clearance before the winter. I have also found that some of the things are very hard to find at certain times of the year. Trying to find shorts in November is sometimes next to impossible. As I come across the things that I need, I buy them and put them in the box. As your trip gets closer, you will see that you will have a lot of things that you need already purchased. You can also use this idea if you plan on bringing souvenirs with you instead of buying them in the parks, toys and things for the children on the way to and from Disney and even snacks and drinks. Make sure that you check the expiration date on the drinks and snacks. It will cost money, not save it, if you have to throw stuff out and replace it before your trip because it has expired. By doing this, I am able to spread out my expenses over a longer period of time and I am able to take advantage of seasonal sales that don't last long. When I travel to Disney, every dollar counts and by using my Disney box, it helps me to have more money to spend on vacation, not preparing for it. This article was written by Addicted to Mickey contributor Kelly Jenkins.


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