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Thursday, November 22, 2012

What the "Addicts" are Thankful For

Shannan Wright: I am first and foremost thankful to Walt for making this all possible. I'm also thankful to Kelly of Disney Guru and Nancy of The Affordable Mouse for giving me the courage to start writing and sharing my love of Disney with so many of you. I am thankful for the good times that Disney has allowed me to have with my family. We have made several trips to Disney with my parents, allowing for bonding time with my children. We have Disney movie night that provides us family time together.

 Adam McVeigh: I'm thankful for the quality time with my family that Disney provides. Thankful for monthly payments on annual passes, so I can afford one, and that I live close enough to go as often as I can afford. I'm thankful for the great cast members behind the mask of characters in the park, and for them bringing the character to life for my son. I'm thankful to be able to share all the memories and experiences with my wife and son. I am thankful to be able to share my photos and stories here, and that all our fans take the time to read them. And lastly, at Disney I'm thankful for giant ice cream cookie sandwiches, because well they're giant ice cream cookie sandwiches, and Mickey pretzels, because I love Mickey and I love pretzels.

 Amy Decker: I am thankful for Uncle Walt and Uncle Roy and all of their creativity and dreams. As a passholder I feel as I am a member of the extended Disney family, and I am so thankful to live so close to Walt Disney World so we can experience the magic whenever we want. I am thankful for being a Disney mommy so I can experience all things Disney through the innocent eyes of babes. I am thankful for runDisney and all of the Disney races which are so amazing. I am thankful for Disney Junior and all of the shows that my little princess adores. Disney really does add happiness to every aspect of our lives and the word thankful just doesn't seem to truly describe our amount of gratitude for all things Disney.

 Angela Burford Pulsifer: I am thankful for being a pass holder and living only an hour and a half away from WDW. I am thankful for all the cast members who work to keep the parks so beautiful and clean. I am thankful for It's A Small World ride, a classic and my girls love it to pieces. I am thankful for the New Fantasyland. I am thankful for the wonderful memories made at Disney and for the many more to come. I am thankful for my wonderful husband who works his tail off so we can experience Disney as much as we love to.

 April Phillips: I am thankful for the magical feeling everyone at the Disney parks helps to create, from the first cast member you see who is checking your bag all the way to the characters who all make sure to make each Disney experience as magical as the first time! I am thankful for the first ride we get on which is Pirates of the Caribbean every visit to Disneyland and the first bite of clam chowder from right outside Pirates! I am thankful for all the yummy snacks that help to ruin my diet every visit! Most of all I am thankful for every memory that Disney has helped my family create whether it has been in a park or just a Phillips Family Disney Movie night at home, Disney has kept the magic alive for us!!!

 Darleen Linquist: I'm so very thankful for Walt & Roy Disney and their vision and what they gave to the world. I'm thankful for all the wonderful memories that Disney has made possible and for the magic it provides to so many people. I'm most thankful for all the friends that I've made because of our shared love for Disney.

 Dawn Mathis Losch: Well, Besides family, being that this is a Disney Thanks, I will have to start off first of all I am thankful for Walt Disney, for not giving up on his dream, for providing so many family memories for all of us to share. I am thankful for fast passes so we don't have to wait in lines so long,and lastly,I am thankful for Annual Passes that let us enjoy the world all year long,and I am thankful for dole whips and school bread too:O) Lastly, I am thankful for all my friends at A2M we have all made, and getting to share all our thoughts, and ideas all year with all of you readers :O)

 Heather Mandosa: At this time of year, there are so many things that I am thankful for. When thinking of Disney, it is easy to reflect on the different aspects of my life that have been touched by Disney. I am thankful that I have a family that loves Disney. I am thankful that I have found other people in the world that love Disney as much as I do.  I am thankful that, upon hearing that there would be a new baby in my extended family, my five year old excitedly exclaimed that there would be a new Mickey fan in the world.  I am thankful that I have had the opportunity to travel to Disneyland and Disney World as a child, young adult and now parent. The memories made at these locations will last forever.  I am thankful that I am able to plan trips for the future. I love the opportunity to plan trips with my family.  Whether it be a group of 4 or 24, it is such a wonderful gift to be able to spend time together in the place that can bring the kid out in just about anyone.

 Kayla Justice: Disney. I am thankful for Mr. Walt and Roy and their dreams and how they continue to inspire everyone to achieve their dreams. I'm thankful for my education and that Disney provides things like the college programs and internships so that I can be part of the magic. I'm thankful for all the cast members who do a great job everyday and make magic for every guest. I am also thankful for all the great friends I've made because of Disney and every Disney movie that gives me hope when I'm feeling down. :)

 Shelby King: I am thankful for Walt and Roy Disney, for the movies and the parks. I am also thankful for all the memories that I have been able to make with my family while at Walt Disney World.  The other thing I am thankful for is the Disney College Program so that I could become a cast member at the place I love the most.

 Will Bumgardner: I'm very thankful for Walt and the entire Disney family for giving us the opportunity to leave the real world from time to time and be able to enter such an amazing and magical place. I'm thankful for the opportunity to visit Disney parks as much as I'm able to. Seeing my son's eyes light up when we visit makes each trip even more worthwhile. I'm thankful for being able to share my thoughts and ideas with other people that truly enjoy Disney.


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