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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Budget Friendly Disney Items: Dollar Tree

By now most of you know I am the budget queen, I have learned to save money on almost everything. I was in the Dollar Tree the other day and was amazed at all the fun Disney related items they have. They have so many items to keep your little ones busy before, during and after your trip. I like to pack some items, and surprise my kids later on with them.

 So,what can I get at the Dollar Tree?

My favorite number one item is glow sticks! Necklaces,bracelets, earrings, wands,you name it! This is number one because when the sun goes down in the parks, the glow items come out. I see so many kids crying  because the parents refuse to buy them, so I pull out my glow items, and my kids are satisfied and I also hand them out to other kids.

 Number 2 on my list is boredom busters. Those times when it's raining and no one wants to leave the hotel room, Dollar Tree has yo-yo's,crayons,coloring books, puzzles,chalk boards,stickers,stamps and paddle balls all in Disney !!

 Number 3 is a pop up hamper. These don't have to be Disney motif, but a great item to place all your dirty clothing in after its worn to help keep the room more tidy and you won't have your dirty clothing mixed in with your clean ones.

 Number 4 is ponchos. It rains  in FL a lot, usually just passing showers each day, but it's so much nicer to get a poncho and pack it with you then throw away when you are finished. The ponchos in the park are pricey.

 Number 5 is for those of you who rent a stroller...Bandannas..What does that have to do with a stroller? Well, all the strollers look the same, and when you park your stroller, sometimes they are moved and you have to go looking through a sea of strollers to find yours wasting valuable time.  Just tie the colored bandanna to your stroller and you can easily spot yours from all the rest.

 Number 6 is for those of you with little ones A Disney night light..being in a strange room at night can be scary for little ones ,just plug in a nightlight and they will feel safer.

 Number 7 sandwich baggies..these little baggies are great for carrying crayons, candy, small snacks for the kids backpacks, the list goes on...

 They also had some outdoor items like frisbees and jump ropes..

 My other favorite item is socks for the little ones ...They had them for boys and girls.. another great place to hop is Target dollar spot...but, I will save that trip for another day.


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