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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Disney College Program Part 5: Acceptance!

Disney College Program: Part 5 (Acceptance!)

Well ladies and gentlemen, it’s true! After leaving you hanging for more than a month, I’ve finally got a great new post for you and it involves my acceptance!  Here is my timeline again, for those who are still waiting, or those that are a little behind!

February 8: Applications were released, I completed the application and web interview that day.
February 13: The date I chose for my phone interview, it lasted 20 minutes.
February 21:Received an email stating that my application was currently pending.
March 13: Accepted for merchandise for Fall 2013!

Pending is…both torture and relief. There is no point in guessing what the turnout will be, just cross your fingers, check facebook and your email a few times a day and don’t stress. What will come, will come. Don’t expect an answer very soon after being pended, I was only pended for about 3 weeks but others were not so lucky and are still processing. 

I was sitting in my friend’s kitchen watching a movie the afternoon that I received my email. I had survived many waves of declines and many waves of acceptances and even more waves of pendings. After about a week of pending, I stopped checking my email as frequently and so 20 minutes after I started seeing some more Facebook posts I decided to check it just for fun. 

My heart stopped when I saw an email from Disney Recruiting with the Subject of Congratulations!My whole body shook as I tried to get a wrangle on the terrible internet service to see my role. There should be a link within this email that you can follow to find your role. I was accepted for Merchandise.

The first email you receive is a congratulations email and at the bottom it states that you must complete the following steps in 10 days. If not, they assume you are declining.

·         Review Offer and Indicate Acceptance
·         Submit Program Fees
·         Select Program Dates

You will get an email after each stating the next step. Once you accept the offer, you must pay the following:

·         $100 Program Assessment Fee
·         $200 Housing & Administration Fee
·         Minimal Processing Fee
My total came to $304.50. 

Next, under your account and dashboard there will be a link to select your program arrival date. If you are attractions, front desk, concierge, or lifeguard there are special program dates. For Fall, the dates landed on every Monday of August. So, what did I choose?

Based on my job and personal life I will be checking-in on the first arrival date, August 5th!
Everyone will check in at Vista Way, one of the complexes for the programmers. After you choose your arrival date, you will get a couple emails that will give you more information about the program and a confirmation of your arrival date…and you’re DONE!

Congratulations! You can wipe the sweat off your brow, sit back, focus on school, and relax knowing that you will be headed to Walt Disney World in just a few short months! 

What Now?

Credits & College Stuff

Most of you knew that I wanted Photopass due to my university and major. I was very upset to not receive this role but quickly realized how lucky I was. If you didn’t do it before you were accepted, NOW is the time to begin asking questions, talking to advisors, seeing what you can get credit for. Whether you can/need to take online courses, transfer universities for a semester, or take a few courses from the program.
In my circumstance, I must continue being a full-time student in order to get financial aid for this coming semester and in the Spring of 2014. I had discussed last semester the possible internship credits for Photopass but now as I am accepted for another position I am scrambling to see what credits I can pull out that will be used to my degree. It’s important to consider all options before, during, and after you apply for the program. You may be able to get many credits depending on your university or you may have to sacrifice a semester to attend the program. Make sure you are prepared for any situation!  


Depending on your preferences, you may want to room randomly, great! If you’re like me and prefer to know what you’re getting yourself in to, it’s great to start searching for roommates as soon as possible. Bond with them, talk with them, and get to know each other. Be excited about how many days until you are working at the Happiest Place on Earth! Check Facebook, Tumblr, or Disboards.com to fill out roommate surveys and communicate with friends who you think would be fun to room with.
For me, I found my roommates only a few days after being accepted, as I was paranoid about getting everything ready. Lucky for me, I found a few ladies on Facebook who had filled out roommate surveys already and sounded perfect! We talked and soon enough were future roommates. They are great and we are going to have a fun time planning our adventure!


It’s over! You’ve done it! The stress is over (for now)! Make countdown chains, chat with DCPers, support those declined or still pending. Now the fun starts, make lists, occupy yourself, focus back on school and finish out a great semester!

This is part 5 of a group of posts I will be making throughout my journey as a DCP applicant. My next post will be about packing and staying busy!


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