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Monday, February 13, 2012

Ride Review: It's Test Track baby!!!

So you go into Epcot, where do you go first? My family runs to Test Track, our favorite ride in Epcot. This ride is located in the Future World. Why do I say run? Because the lines for this ride can get very long as the day goes on. You will want to get that FastPass for this ride, it so worth it! You enter the queue in a pretty bright room, full of noisy tests being done on cars, there is plenty for the eyes to see in here, as you can see in my pictures.

 So, what happens next? The line goes on in the big room full of various amounts of vehicle safety tests all around you, you then enter the next room which has a 4 minute video pre-show to show which tests your car will be going through. Bumps, weather tests, and they throw in a few suprises, will you be a real life test dummy? We will find out, with the barrier wall test!

 Next you get into another line, this one is much shorter, before entering your convertible GM car. They come in all different colors, we had blue this last time.
 You enter your car, you will definitely want to buckle that seat belt for this ride! You go up a little bit, go for your seat belt check, and you are off up a hill, then the the bump test, it gets really bumpy! Then onto the Antilock break test, take on those sharp turns,then into an incubator. When those lights go on its going get a little warm. As soon as your warm up, you head into the freeze room, its not too cold and feels great on a summer day. Next it is onto the corrosion room, it smell like rust and they even forgot to turn off the robots, so they spray the   lovely chemicals(just steam) at ya!

 So, you made it through all that, go on some more twists and turns,then it's on to the barrier test. You line up and look ahead to see the target mark on the wall. Will you be the next test dummy? Your car takes off, just when you think you are gonna crash, the doors open to the outdoors, and you are headed down the track at 65 mph, taking bank turns like a pro. The air is messing your pretty hair up, but your are still smiling. The car finally slows down just in time for a last thermal test, you made it!

 This ride is for the 40'' and up crowd, it does shut down during rain showers and storms, trust me rain drops in your face at 65 mph kinda hurts!

 As you exit the ride, you will see your silly picture available for upload onto a PhotoPass card. As you exit, you will enter a GM showroom. This place is chock full of all the newest GM cars available. You can get in  them,check them out and take your photo in them. After that, you enter a gift shop, full of Test Track items.

 The test car hold 6 people,is Pooh friendly. Also, there will be a refurb on this ride this fall, riders will be able to design there own custom vehicles,and ride it in a simcar.


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